On the 29th of June, at 18:30, we are organizing a new and exciting workshop: The Mentoring Workshop.
Sophocles, in his Greek tragedy Antigone, said, “The ideal condition would be, I admit, that men should be right by instinct. But since we are all likely to go astray, the reasonable thing is to learn from those who can teach.” He knew that if we seek help from knowledgeable and experienced people, we can achieve our goals faster and avoid making mistakes and wasting valuable time.
Come to learn about the skills needed to be a montor and the value of taking on a montor as mentee, in this new workshop. Our guest speakers Jamie Hamer and Rob Hoblin will talk to us about the roles of the mentor and the mentee, and how to carry a successful mentoring program.
Here’s our tentative agenda:
- 6:30 Chris Soprano – President Holborn Speakers – Focus On The Mentor
- 6:40 Jamie Hamer – Past President Holborn Speakers – My experience as a mentee
- 6:55 Q&A
- 7:00 Rob Hoblin – International Leadership & Management Trainer – A successful mentoring program
- 7:25 Q&A
- 7:30 End of meeting
Wanna join us? Sign-up in the following link for more information: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/159001217923
Do not miss it!